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Lisa Dunbar Solas is an emerging mixed media artist and writer based on Karuna country (Adelaide), in South Australia. 

Lisa loves to play and create using a range of techniques and substances, including paint, wood, clay and stone. Her art is largely inspired by her passion for mythology and ancient landscapes.  Her particular love of the prehispanic cultures of the Americas led her to study Archaeology at university, where she became a specialist in the Inkan culture. During her research career, Lisa conducted fieldwork in the Peruvian Andes. In 2015, she completed her PhD dissertation. 

While completing her university studies, Lisa worked as an educator for adults and children and in this role,  she became passionate about helping others discover and develop their gifts through art and creativity. In 2017, she founded Ancient Explorer, a business that provides educational resources and classes for children that combine storytelling, art and science.

When at home, Lisa enjoys bushwalking and has a keen interest in natural history and photography. She often writes for Medium and is currently working on a number of creative projects, including her first picture book. 


She is available to hold creative workshops and is accepting commissions.


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